USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

CVB-42/CVA-42/CV-42 ~ 27 Oct. 1945 – 01 Oct. 1977

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Guest Book



    I have managed to resurrect some of the Guest Books from the previous FDR Websites. There are some that are lost forever but this is the best there is at the moment. There is a lot of good stuff there.

Click on the year you want to view. Click on the left arrow at the top of your browser to return to this page.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006-09


Sign in using the comment form at the bottom of the page and please leave a valid email address. It will NOT be viewable to visitors! If you want to hear from your shipmates leave your email address IN THE MESSAGE ALSO.


Please put your email address in your message so your shipmates can get back to you (if they can remember you).

 There is software on board that makes it unreadable to the “bots” who collect that sort of stuff.

All entries must be approved before they will appear in the book. Any inappropriate entries, as well as those with invalid email addresses, will be deleted and will not appear. I check daily so don’t despair if your entry doesn’t appear immediately.

Due to a rash of automated spam messages we now use “captcha” authentication.  Just enter the “captcha” code and then SUBMIT. Don’t worry about upper or lower case….either will work. If you have trouble reading it just click the little button to the right and it will “refresh”. Thanks!

Many shipmates have told me, via email, about having visited this site. Oddly many have not left entries here for their shipmates to see. THEY do wonder how you are and probably would love to hear from you. This is a great way get back in contact.


For YOUR protection – No home phone numbers or addresses please. Please save that for when you make email contact.


1,727 thoughts on “Guest Book”

  1. My Great Uncle Maj. Edward W. Dame, was lost at sea in a landing accident on the FDR on 17 September 1952 off Norway during Operation Mainbrace. I have the letters that his squadron CO (Jack Hoerner of VF-171) and Captain Anderson wrote to my great grandparents regarding the accident, but I’d be interested to hear any other eyewitness accounts from members of the FDR crew who were present that day.

    Thanks in advance!

    Paul Dame

  2. Made Med cruise 57 with vah-3 oh so many years ago. I also served onthe USS Coral Sea 71.72.73 and retired.smooth sailing to all and God Bless.

    ASC R.E, Knox retired

  3. Clyde Armstead GMT2, 72-75

    I was a GMT2 in W Div 72-74, switched to Battery/GMG2 74-75. Discharged July 16, 75. Made 3 Med Cruises. My email is: Would like to hear if anyone besides me has had any health problems from drinking the contaminated water when we were in dry dock in 74 in Philly. That was the sickest I have ever been for about 3 days. I think it was supposed to have effected @ 1500 of us that were on board.

  4. William "Barry" Kennedy,Jr. 71=73 B Div. 3B

    Checking two things….Larry (our highly revered webmaster and juggler of data!!!!) do you have the pix I sent you with my old galaxy email address(not valid anymore) ? And Mike Childress are you still hanging in there.Anybody else from B Div.Med Cruise 72(longest Rosie Cruise)still hanging in there ?

  5. Mary Johnson, wife of Don Johnson

    would like to inform anyone that was on the Rosie, during the Mediterran tour in the 70’s. My husband Don died on May 1, 2014. Would appreciate any info about the ship and the tour. I heard many stories but would like to pass on to my son any other pictures or stories about the tour. He is interested in his father’s tour.

  6. Cheryl Kozlowski

    My husband Eric Kozlowski fell overboard the Roosevelt July 1975 off the coast of Florida. If anyone was on that ship Please contact me. His daughter was only one and a half years old at the time. She wants to know more about her dad. Please contact me, it would be so appreciated…God Bless YOU.

  7. On the FDR Oct 64 to March 67 EM 3. Flew me from New Jersey to Rota Spain to Naples Italy, back to Gibraltar, where I boarded the FDR and then back to dry dock in bayone NJ. About 10,000 miles in two weeks and 25 miles from where I Started!Join the navy and see the world. Europe,South America, Africa,and Asia. Not bad fo a 3 year enlistment. (One year between boot camp A school and leave) .Still have a pen pal in Cape Town SA.where the FDR was and I Turned 21 on Feb 5th 1967. Almost 50 years of letters and two visits. Fond memories.

  8. Hello Mr. Blumenthal,

    I am emailing to inform you of the passing of one of your shipmates on USS Franklin D. Roosevelt CV-42. My grandfather John Altieri passed away on Monday December 29, 2014. He served in the USN from April 10, 1946 to February 6, 1948. He served on the shakedown cruise to the Mediterranean. I believe his captain was Apollo Soucek. He was on the Rosie for his entire service. I would appreciate it if you could send me anything you had heard from other shipmates about my grandfather or his cousin Matt Altier who was a course air pilot, during their service so I could fill in some blanks from the stories.

    Thank you,
    Irene Altieri

  9. Hey everyone, wow thanks to everyone who created and maintains this great site. I was a yeoman 3rd Class attached to CAG ONE staff, along with jack welch and limon.
    A whirl wind life I have had. Not going into details here. Maybe come back later.

  10. Served aboard the Roosevelt from January 1973 to October of 1975. Served in the education services office and also in special services. Was also a disc jockey (the Mystery Man) on the ship’s radio station WFDR. Lots of great memories. Hope all my fellow shipmates are enjoying a happy holiday season.

  11. CW3 Darren Henry, US Army

    Hello everyone, I am attempting to assist a former sailor with VA disability benefits. I have found him on your ’56 roster. His name is Donald McLaughlin. One thing I cannot put together is an injury he sustained in 1951 on the USS FDR when there was an explosion on the Hanger Deck?? I was curious if anyone on this site was able to witness this event. Mr. McLaughlin still has the shrapnel inside of him. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My email address is

    Regards, CW3 Henry

  12. Vernon (Huck) Rittenhouse

    I just wanted to post again as I forgot to post an email for contact.
    I am Re-Nae Reiss posting on behalf of my Dad Vernon (Huck) Rittenhouse. He served on the FDR from 1949-1953. He is 83 now but still with us and was excited to hear about this site dedicated to The FDR. Anyone who would like to contact my Dad may do so through my email address and I will be happy to relay the message to him.
    He is walking history and we always listen intently when he has something to share. One time he told us about his shore leave in Italy of 1951 how he and a buddy of his inadvertently met the infamous Lucky Luciano and his wife while on shore. He remembers a Capt Davis who was really good to his men aboard the carrier. There are many stories too many to share here.
    Thank you to the creator of this site
    Re-Nae Reiss daughter of Vernon (Huck) Rittenhouse

  13. john P.mason seaman

    anyone remember the ships cobbler from 71-73 named bill dehart from portsmuth VA? or the captains orderly corporal Watson of the marine detachment?

  14. john P.mason seaman

    we need to hear from some CVA guys out there from the 70s. so if you know someone tell them to write. the reunion has many CV and CB guys but not many of us from the last cruises.

  15. john P.mason seaman

    any of you officers on the 72-med cruise remember us crewman who ran the officers liberty launch and took you ashore to meet your families? I learned a lot being in the company of officers and gentlemen, just wish you hadn’t thrown up all over my boat, mops were hard to find in the navy?? I mean swabs you swabbies? Gettysburg. the war never ends here.

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