USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

CVB-42/CVA-42/CV-42 ~ 27 Oct. 1945 – 01 Oct. 1977

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Guest Book



    I have managed to resurrect some of the Guest Books from the previous FDR Websites. There are some that are lost forever but this is the best there is at the moment. There is a lot of good stuff there.

Click on the year you want to view. Click on the left arrow at the top of your browser to return to this page.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006-09


Sign in using the comment form at the bottom of the page and please leave a valid email address. It will NOT be viewable to visitors! If you want to hear from your shipmates leave your email address IN THE MESSAGE ALSO.


Please put your email address in your message so your shipmates can get back to you (if they can remember you).

 There is software on board that makes it unreadable to the “bots” who collect that sort of stuff.

All entries must be approved before they will appear in the book. Any inappropriate entries, as well as those with invalid email addresses, will be deleted and will not appear. I check daily so don’t despair if your entry doesn’t appear immediately.

Due to a rash of automated spam messages we now use “captcha” authentication.  Just enter the “captcha” code and then SUBMIT. Don’t worry about upper or lower case….either will work. If you have trouble reading it just click the little button to the right and it will “refresh”. Thanks!

Many shipmates have told me, via email, about having visited this site. Oddly many have not left entries here for their shipmates to see. THEY do wonder how you are and probably would love to hear from you. This is a great way get back in contact.


For YOUR protection – No home phone numbers or addresses please. Please save that for when you make email contact.


1,727 thoughts on “Guest Book”

  1. Have a “Cruise book” FDR CVA 42 1973-74. I live in Connecticut. Willing to give it to anyone in your assoc. that can pick it up. In decent shape for 40 years old. Steve 203 879-4397 or 203 592-0340 I did not serve on the Roosevelt but I was a Destroyer man DD853 C H Roan 1959-63

  2. Hey guys, I served on board Rosie from late 1970 and got out in Norfolk in 1974 after a pretty rough ride back across the Atlantic if I remember right. Originally from Ohio I served in Engineering in the Auxiliary A-4 division The “chill water shop” For some reason never thought about looking on line until just now to see if there was anything about the ship. Will be great looking through the site. Feel free to write if you remember the name…or leave a note Thanks for those that spent the time to make this site and keep up with it. Great to have a place to reminisce

  3. I was on the “Rosie” from 1959-1962.
    Airman G Division Gunnery dept.

    Memories to share, anyone ?

  4. Served on the Rosie from Nov. 1958 until July 1961 .Worked in the forward bake shop making all the good smelling bread and pastries. Left there and went to EMA School at Great Lakes to become an Electrician. Retired in 78 as an EMC . Would like to hear from any of my old shipmates.

  5. Vernon (Huck) Rittenhouse

    I am Re-Nae Reiss posting on behalf of my Dad Vernon (Huck) Rittenhouse. He served on the FDR from 1949-1953. He is 83 now but still with us and was excited to hear about this site dedicated to The FDR. Anyone who would like to contact my Dad may do so through my email address and I will be happy to relay the message to him.
    He is walking history and we always listen intently when he has something to share. One time he told us about his shore leave in Italy of 1951 how he and a buddy of his inadvertently met the infamous Lucky Luciano and his wife while on shore. He remembers a Capt Davis who was really good to his men aboard the carrier. There are many stories too many to share here.
    Thank you to the creator of this site

    Re-Nae Reiss daughter of Vernon (Huck) Rittenhouse

  6. Kevin Campbell, son of Ens. Thomas E. Campbell

    My father, Ensign Thomas E. “Tucker” Campbell was a plankholder as a pilot in VT-75. He passed in 2010 but always fondly recalled his service aboard the FDR. I have his Line Crossing certificate but not his Plankholder certificate. Can anyone describe what this should look like? It may still be among papers I have yet to go through at Mom’s house.

    The primary reason for my post is to ask if anyone knows how to determine what aircraft serial/registration number goes with what TAIL number. I have a copy of the 1946 film “Operation Sleepless” and my dad is one of the Helldiver pilots seen at least briefly, but I don’t know WHICH Helldiver was his. I have his pilot’s logbooks so I know which registration numbers he flew on what days, but have no way to match that with tail numbers seen in video or photos. Any ideas? campbellkd14(AT)hotmail(DOT)com

  7. john P.mason seaman

    Does anyone remember the security cards (yellow) they gave us before the 72-cruise, picture I.D. well I still have mine, still lookin for Webb and Gomez from 1st division.

  8. @linda my dad was also a plank-man for the USS Roosevelt he had a certificate , which we still had sadly he passed in 2008 i believe you can get one from the va office.

  9. Raymond H. Eldridge Jr son of Raymond Eldridge Sr

    My dad was on the FDR he passed away 4 years this coming may just found this sight and wanted to put his name on here I really can’t recall the exact years he was in her but he was on her when she had to go around the horn because she wouldn’t go through the panama canal. And the stories he told about the women in Brazil how you couldn’t tell the difference between the moms mom, the mom and the daughter and he carried his equater card in his wallet every day until he didn’t have to carry a wallet because he said he never wanted to go through that again. My dad joined the navy like many others to provide for his family but he met many friends during his time in the navy he was a aircraft fueler on the FDR I’m sure there is another name but I don’t know it thanks for the page Raymond H. Eldridge Jr son of Raymond H. Eldridge Sr. Mail if anybody recognizes the name

  10. Eddie Spirito, aka "Heartattack Ed"

    GALEN WISER. I hope this gets to you. You asked for a response, but you left no email address. It’s funny that I just found out that you were in VA-87. I had always thought that you were in V-4 Division.
    Ever notice how you can recall something from decades ago, and for no apparent reason? One incident that I have locked in my head was when we pulled in to Norfolk at the beginning of a shakedown cruise. I don’t recall the situation, but I believe that I was walking around the base alone at Norfolk with half a load on, when I came upon a hangar where you were sitting alone drinking beer . . . Pabst Blue Ribbon, if I recall correctly. You told me to grab a chair, and we proceeded to get slaughtered.
    My memory really sucks, but let me see if you can beat this. I’m not real sure if it was PBR that we were drinking, but sometime during the course of the night you pointed to a bulletin board on the wall behind us and to the left. There were two discharge certificates on it, an Honorable and a Dishonorable, and below it were the words, “What’ll You Have?” Below that you wrote “Pabst Blue Ribbon.” You may not have recalled that incident, but I’ll bet you do now. Am I right? Contact me at

  11. Eddie Spirito, aka "Heartattack Ed"

    This is my third post, because I have more to say. One of the best times that I ever had in my life was the ’71 Med Cruise, and I mean the entire cruise. Besides the liberty, it also includes taking care of business up on deck. I used to get pumped up just being near anything with two engines that burned JP5. Sometimes I’d get a wild hair up my @#% and wish I could be up on deck again.

    One of the reasons that I feel this way has a lot to do with who was around me. I couldn’t have hand picked a better crew to work with, and I know that most of them felt the same. That being said, I can only wonder why most of them ignore invitations to reunions, never answer emails, and simply don’t want anything to do with any of us. That crap about just being “military acquantences” is just that . . . crap. You would’ve put your ass on the line to save me just as I would you. I just don’t get it.

  12. James o. Moeller

    I was assigned to the FDR in 1963 from NAS Cecil Field. I worked in the V2 Division. I made 1 Med. Cruise and that was the cruise we broke a blade on one of the screws during a launch. Had to sail back to Bayone, NJ to have it fixed and then returned to the Med. Good memories from my time onboard.

  13. Great site, just purchased the 75 Cruise video, excited to see it. I was on the Rosie from August 74 to December 75 in Deck Dept 4th Division. Went by the name Louie. If you remember me drop me a line.

  14. My Dad was on the shakedown cruise of the USS Roosevelt in 1945 as a Radarman and was recently asked about his “plankholder” certificate. Can you give me any information about this. Was it issued to everyone aboard? Dad does not remember a lot of the details and we are trying to help him remember. Thanks.

  15. I bought a clock with a face place saying it was from the 1st class lounge. USS Franklin D Roosevelt. It was given to R.D Sanders BT1 or BTI RET. I would to like know when he served on the ship. Thanks in advance. Kim

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