USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

CVB-42/CVA-42/CV-42 ~ 27 Oct. 1945 – 01 Oct. 1977

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Guest Book



    I have managed to resurrect some of the Guest Books from the previous FDR Websites. There are some that are lost forever but this is the best there is at the moment. There is a lot of good stuff there.

Click on the year you want to view. Click on the left arrow at the top of your browser to return to this page.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006-09


Sign in using the comment form at the bottom of the page and please leave a valid email address. It will NOT be viewable to visitors! If you want to hear from your shipmates leave your email address IN THE MESSAGE ALSO.


Please put your email address in your message so your shipmates can get back to you (if they can remember you).

 There is software on board that makes it unreadable to the “bots” who collect that sort of stuff.

All entries must be approved before they will appear in the book. Any inappropriate entries, as well as those with invalid email addresses, will be deleted and will not appear. I check daily so don’t despair if your entry doesn’t appear immediately.

Due to a rash of automated spam messages we now use “captcha” authentication.  Just enter the “captcha” code and then SUBMIT. Don’t worry about upper or lower case….either will work. If you have trouble reading it just click the little button to the right and it will “refresh”. Thanks!

Many shipmates have told me, via email, about having visited this site. Oddly many have not left entries here for their shipmates to see. THEY do wonder how you are and probably would love to hear from you. This is a great way get back in contact.


For YOUR protection – No home phone numbers or addresses please. Please save that for when you make email contact.


1,727 thoughts on “Guest Book”

  1. Joe R Ramirez Msgt Ret.

    EB Turnberger
    Thanks for inserting your info on the FDR dated 02/70. I served on the Rosie from Jan 70 to late 72 . I was assigned to V-1 Div and was a yellow Shirt on Fly-1 as Catapaulter. I still remember the incidents that occurred .I was the one that put the A-3 on the cat. I also remember the A-6 That missed the wire on landing and last power when trying to go around.
    I also remember a young Plane Captain got injested by a A-7 on #1 elevator. I retired from the Air Force, when I would tell my fellow worked about the Flt Deck. they wouldn’t believe that such thing could happen.
    Thank you for helping me to hear that I wasn’t alone, May bless us all for serving our country.

  2. Hello men,
    I have spoken to a couple of you, but wanted to put this out again in hopes of new contacts.
    My grandfather was CDR Ray Boyd, a VX-3 Crusader pilot who was killed 4/6/57 after takeoff from the FDR, see this date in the operational history.
    I would enjoy any addional info/stories you may have, as I want to able able to pass this story on to my son.
    Thanks for your time and attention.
    Stefan Reuther

  3. Bob Schultz, Thanks so much for the reminder of our loss of the A6, 2/70. And thanks to Larry for putting up the link of this tragedy to the top so our FDR Family can see it once again! Bob, I remember this distinctly and your heroic efforts will never be forgotten by both the top side crew, as well as the entire crew that served on FDR during the 70 cruise. We also lost an A7 or maybe a Gator (?) right after launch on that cruise. As I remember it was evening and that plane lit up the sky when it exploded in air and not all that far from the bow, maybe a few miles off (?). I recall he went off the Starboard cat, I was on the port Catapult crew at that time, remains of the pilot were never found (?).

    Now that I’m thinking about it, on return from the Med to Mayport and during the squadron flyoff, a bomb rack separated from an A6 as the aircraft shot down the Starboard catapult and injured several sailors, including a squadron Chief who took the bomb rack square in the head. I don’t know if he survived.

    Memories fade as time goes by, but some things are unforgettable. All the best, Shipmate, and thanks for sharing your thoughts ! Went to ABE A School in Lakehurst and stood mid watch in that big hanger near where the Hindenburg crashed. Sure got cold in there in January !!

    Feb 26 is right around the corner, please keep our fallen shipmates in your prayers ! We will never forget you………

  4. Ed,

    Thanks for bringing the EA-3B crash to everyone’s attention; there was another aircraft crash in late February, 1970; VA-176 lost an A-6 and the Pilot, Mr. Williams; I was the Rescue Aircrewman (HC-2) that went in the water after him.

    Lest we never forget!

  5. Hello Shipmates, still here, just changed email address awhile back. Served on the Rosie for 3 cruises (71, 72, 73) in Main Comm. Cant believe its been over 40 years now! I am only in touch with Al Tetreault these days. Jim Barreca, where are you? Jerry Hewett, where are you? I would love to hear from you guys out there. We need to go out and get drunk together before we get too damn old. My email address is Remember “red death”?

  6. I was aboard Rosie 1964/65. I was a 3rd class personelman and worked in the educational services office.

  7. Shipmates, let us not forget our brothers lost on 26 Feb 70

    LCdr Roger Blaine Thrasher

    Lt Thomas Lee Walls

    AO/1C Floyd R Bond

    The full story is on this website here:

    condensed version for those folks skipping the click,

    On 26 February 1970 an EA-3B was lost while operating from Roosevelt (CVA-42) in the Mediterranean. The catapult system malfunctioned in mid-stroke, resulting in the Skywarrior “dribbling” off the bow and being run over by the carrier. Four of the crewmembers made the ultimate sacrifice for their country in the accident, as LCDR Blaine Thrasher, LT Tom Walls, AEI Bond and an unidentified passenger were lost at sea. A fifth VQ-2 crewmember, the plane captain, Petty Officer “Rosey” Rozier, miraculously survived to be picked up by the plane guard.

    Always in our prayers and never forgotten, God Bless you all…… Port Cat Crew, CVA 42, 2/70

  8. Michael H. Collins “X” Division – anyone heard from him? He was on the 66-67 Westpac

  9. Was aboard for the ’72 Med cruise. AT2 with VA-176. Served on ship’s MAA force for the first half of the cruise.

  10. My grandfather Ed McKay served aboard the CVB-42 on her maiden voyage. He was picked up in early May 1945. He was picked up by Rosie while stationed in Puerto Rico. Grampy passed this past July.

  11. I was onboard Rosie from 1975 to 1977, MM3 assigned to main control, I
    ETS out Aug, 15, 1977. It is sad about Rosie been decommisioned I hated
    that but I do have a.lot of good memories

  12. I came aboard Rosie in 1975 and made the last cruise on her. It was my first and last time overseas I was in B-Div working in the oil shack I can remember the days and nights i stood smoke watch watching planes take off and land. Its a sight smell and sound ill never forget. It was a privilege and an honor to serve and be apart of the history of the Roosevelt. Most of all it would be an honor to thank all those who were a part of Rosie from her first days till her last. And to those who never came home YOU WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN. THANK YOU

  13. Was on the Roosevelt as an RM from 65-67. Hope to meet up with some shipmates at the Jax reunion this year !

  14. Hi mates. I served on Rosie during a Med cruise in 1968 until she went into the yards in Hampton Roads for refit. Would like to hear from my mates.

  15. served aboard from 1/68 to 7/71 in repair division as a damage controlmen. she still had the #1 elevator center deck forward on flightdeck.

  16. I just came to the site because I was curious. From what I recall from his stories, my father, Hoyt Duff, was the Bull Ensign aboard the Roosevelt during her shakedown cruise to Rio and I believe he flew Corsairs; he was USNR. The cruise made a big impression on him and he finished his Naval career with 31 years of active duty. I’ll be going through his things soon and if I find any photos of his time on the Roosevelt, I’ll forward a copy to the site.

  17. Hello, my name is Sarah and my dad served on FDR CVA 42 from ’72-’75 and his name was Dennis Medling rank was SN. He has passed away just this week and I would like to see if I can find anyone who may remember him. He was from St Charles, MO and would have been 18 in ’72 please email me at with any info you may have, and my family is also interested in where he would have gone on his cruises. Thank you and bless all of you for all your service!

  18. I was aboard Rosie in1956 on Med cruise. Squadron VA 12 from QUONSET POINT, RI. Get in touch.

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