USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

CVB-42/CVA-42/CV-42 ~ 27 Oct. 1945 – 01 Oct. 1977

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Guest Book



    I have managed to resurrect some of the Guest Books from the previous FDR Websites. There are some that are lost forever but this is the best there is at the moment. There is a lot of good stuff there.

Click on the year you want to view. Click on the left arrow at the top of your browser to return to this page.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006-09


Sign in using the comment form at the bottom of the page and please leave a valid email address. It will NOT be viewable to visitors! If you want to hear from your shipmates leave your email address IN THE MESSAGE ALSO.


Please put your email address in your message so your shipmates can get back to you (if they can remember you).

 There is software on board that makes it unreadable to the “bots” who collect that sort of stuff.

All entries must be approved before they will appear in the book. Any inappropriate entries, as well as those with invalid email addresses, will be deleted and will not appear. I check daily so don’t despair if your entry doesn’t appear immediately.

Due to a rash of automated spam messages we now use “captcha” authentication.  Just enter the “captcha” code and then SUBMIT. Don’t worry about upper or lower case….either will work. If you have trouble reading it just click the little button to the right and it will “refresh”. Thanks!

Many shipmates have told me, via email, about having visited this site. Oddly many have not left entries here for their shipmates to see. THEY do wonder how you are and probably would love to hear from you. This is a great way get back in contact.


For YOUR protection – No home phone numbers or addresses please. Please save that for when you make email contact.


1,727 thoughts on “Guest Book”

  1. James A. Brannon

    I worked in supply from 1972-1974 ran the ship store at night while we were out at sea. Had some wonderful times on three med cruises i will never forget Athens Greece during the student protest. It was nice being able to have a beard while in the Navy. Hope the crew I worked with in supply is doing well. Please contact me at email James A. Brannon

  2. Marco Rodriguez BT3 B Division

    I served on the FDR from 1962-66 and on the USS Shangri-La CVA 38 for approximately 2 months. Anyone know how i can obtain my medals (Good Conduct and National Defense Medals). Ive been waiting for them for 51 years. If anyone has any information on how i can go about it please feel free to contact me. Thank you!

  3. I recently have been emailing with Peter Moore former shipmate in A&O shop E div. I came aboard “Rosie” in fall of 58 and was discharged in July 62 spent the entire time in same shop. We had some really good men during my time there.

    After leaving the ship I was hired at Republic avaiation in Farmingdale,Ny building the F-105 Thunderchief, I had met my future wife while in the Brooklyn Shipyards a couple years earlier and when we tied the knot two of those good men James Mascola, NY and Pat Lawson Tn. were best man and groomsman. EG Adams, Pa. Ben Barden, Ga., Nathan Helms, Larry Galloway, Pappy Maderena and Chief Goolsbee helped make it interesting. Mr. Herrin , Ms. was my div officer that I had many drag races with.

    I hope time has been as gracious with my fellow shipmates as it has been with me and my family.

    Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays

    Carl Ginn EM2

    Larry gave me the heads up on Peter,, so I’d like to thank him for the work he does with our site.

  4. raymond w. deal rd3 oi div.

    I was on the rosie from mar. 66 til nov 68, did the nam cruise, have been diagnosed with ptsd due to witnessing a man get blown into the prop of a spad. needless to say it wasn’t pretty. i was forward port lookout, and was looking straight at him when he was killed. didn’t have nightmares till i quit drinking, now i have to take meds to sleep. if not i don’t get good rest and the dream comes back. it is hard to find anything through records, personal accounts are the best, if anyone remembers this please contact me as i need to get the va to get on the ball, because work stress combined with the ptsd and i had to retire and my finances were not ready.

  5. I served on the Rosie from 1963 to 1967 . A few Med cruses Brooklyn dry dock & Nam.
    I was in S-6 division left AK4. Have met a lot of crew members since I’ve been out
    that served the same time . DID THE 07 Reunion with shipmates Al Beall,Chuck Persons
    and the late VR Mitchel. BJ Miller if your still out there get in touch.

  6. I was privileged to be stationed on the Rosie starting 1969 until January, 1971. I started as a E4 MM in Engine Room #2 and moved to the A gang during our Med cruise. I still have photos from that time period. I do remember a friend named Danny Sanz from New Mexico.

  7. Devony Audet (Templet)

    My Grandfather James (Jim) E. Templet worked in the engine room (I know at one point he was Chief) at some point in the 60s-70’s. I don’t know much about his military career since he passed when I was young. I have been searching and searching with no avail for probably 2 years now but I can’t find much :(. I was wondering if maybe anyone here knew him? I know it was a big ship and I don’t have much info but I am hoping! 🙂
    I also know he was a little bit of a rough character during that point in his life! lol
    Thanks for reading this and I hope someone knows something.

  8. Shaun Steffen Linsted

    My father Robert Steffen served the navy aboard the FDR and played basketball for their team. Wondering if anyone has any pictures or newspaper clippings of that time.

  9. Was aboard the FDR from Feb ’61-Oct ’63. E Div, IC gang. IC2 when I left from Brooklyn Navy Yard. There is a great FDR group page on Face Book. If you haven’t signed on you are missing out on some great sea stories !

  10. Electronics Tech(radar) came aboard as an E-4 on 21Dec75 and left as an E-5 31Jul77. I was fortunate to be on her last cruise and enjoyed “almost” every minute. Any one from the Op’s group that remembers me drop a line or two. This website has been great to hear all the old and new stories.

  11. MM3 2nd Class, George Bailey visited this page.

    I am his granddaughter, Michelle. We had the great experience of visiting this page together thanksgiving day, 2013.

    My grandfather proudly served on the USS Roosevelt from 1950 – 1953!

  12. Elevator/LSO Operator on the 1972 cruise, still lots of good memories working the flight deck, started off blue shirt chock and tie down, to working elevators and LSO platform watching for gear and tail hook down in the pattern. Go Navy!

  13. I have enjoyed reading your website. I’m not a veteran of your ship but I am researching FDR the president and his involvement in creating the US carrier Navy of WWII. I am bothered by the fact the “Franklin D. Roosevelt” is not longer on a US carrier so long after “the Rosie” was decommissioned. He had much to do with making carrier warfare possible, and made it possible for congressman Carl Vinson to have any traction in supporting the Navy during the Great Depression. He is also credited with the CVL Light Carrier class to enter WWII sooner. Gerald Ford served on the “Monterey” of that class as a gunnery officer in WWII.

    I think it would be fitting if your organization would start a petition drive to have the next Ford class nuclear supercarrier rightly named “Franklin D. Roosevelt” as did the veterans of the Enterprise after it was decommissioned. I believe FDR was on that list, but that Enterprise is taking that spot and FDR is no longer in consideration. Oddly, there is a “Roosevelt” DDG-80 destroyer that broke Navy ship naming tradition for being after both Franklin and Eleanor (but most probably think it means “Teddy”. I think the whole new carrier class should be named after FDR, but at least one of 10 ships planned should be named for him. 3 CVN’s are already taken! I think that partisan politics may be at work here by preventing FDR being honored.

  14. Baudilio "Bob" Mora

    I served on the FDR from December 1962 – January 1966 assigned to Fox Div leaving as FT2, Fire Control Technician (Gun Fire Control-Radar) 2nd Class. Attended A and C schools in San Diego as well as boot camp. Enlisted October 1961 – discharged January 1966.

  15. Radioman, Third Class, J. Rick Cagle. Loud and proud…..Go Navy. Still alive and kicking in Jacksonville, Florida, adjacent to Home Port for the Roosevelt. Retired and loving it. Just exchanging communications with a fellow Naval buddy via Facebook. Reminiscing and reliving some of our wonderful Navy times. Served on board between 1971-1973 in the communications division. Had a lot of friends in Radio and the Signal Division. Participated on both the ship soccer and flag football teams (Doc Weaver, Coaching). Miss those days and all the guys. Apparently getting older encourages those memories more. Isn’t the whole nostalgia thing wonderful??? It was a wonderfully grand learning experience in my life. Any of you that feel so inclined, look me up on Facebook………you’ll find me there just as posted….J. Rick Cagle. God Bless and Anchors Aweigh.

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